MuseScore  3.4
Music composition and notation
libmscore Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for libmscore:


file  accidental.cpp
file  accidental.h [code]
 Definition of class Accidental.
file  ambitus.cpp
file  ambitus.h [code]
file  arpeggio.cpp
file  arpeggio.h [code]
file  articulation.cpp
file  articulation.h [code]
file  audio.cpp
file  audio.h [code]
file  bagpembell.cpp
file  bagpembell.h [code]
file  barline.cpp
file  barline.h [code]
file  beam.cpp
file  beam.h [code]
file  bend.cpp
file  bend.h [code]
file  box.cpp
file  box.h [code]
 Definition of HBox and VBox classes.
file  bracket.cpp
file  bracket.h [code]
file  bracketItem.cpp
file  bracketItem.h [code]
file  breath.cpp
file  breath.h [code]
file  bsp.cpp
file  bsp.h [code]
file  bsymbol.cpp
file  bsymbol.h [code]
file  check.cpp
file  chord.cpp
file  chord.h [code]
 Definition of classes Chord, HelpLine and NoteList.
file  chordline.cpp
file  chordline.h [code]
file  chordlist.cpp
file  chordlist.h [code]
file  chordrest.cpp
file  chordrest.h [code]
file  clef.cpp
 Implementation of classes Clef (partial) and ClefList (complete).
file  clef.h [code]
 Definition of classes Clef.
file  cleflist.cpp
file  cleflist.h [code]
file  cmd.cpp
 Handling of several GUI commands.
file  connector.cpp
file  connector.h [code]
file  drumset.cpp
file  drumset.h [code]
file  dsp.cpp
file  dsp.h [code]
file  duration.cpp
file  duration.h [code]
file  durationtype.cpp
file  durationtype.h [code]
file  dynamic.cpp
file  dynamic.h [code]
file  edit.cpp
file  edit.h [code]
 Definition of Editor class.
file  element.cpp
 Implementation of Element, ElementList.
file  element.h [code]
file  elementmap.cpp
file  elementmap.h [code]
file  eleminfo.cpp
file  eleminfo.h [code]
file  excerpt.cpp
file  excerpt.h [code]
file  fermata.cpp
file  fermata.h [code]
file  fifo.cpp
file  fifo.h [code]
file  figuredbass.cpp
file  figuredbass.h [code]
file  fingering.cpp
file  fingering.h [code]
file  fraction.h [code]
file  fret.cpp
file  fret.h [code]
file  glissando.cpp
file  glissando.h [code]
file  groups.cpp
file  groups.h [code]
file  hairpin.cpp
file  hairpin.h [code]
file  harmony.cpp
file  harmony.h [code]
file  hook.cpp
file  hook.h [code]
file  icon.cpp
file  icon.h [code]
file  image.cpp
file  image.h [code]
file  imageStore.cpp
file  imageStore.h [code]
file  iname.cpp
file  iname.h [code]
file  input.cpp
file  input.h [code]
file  instrchange.cpp
file  instrchange.h [code]
file  instrtemplate.cpp
file  instrtemplate.h [code]
file  instrument.cpp
file  instrument.h [code]
file  interval.cpp
file  interval.h [code]
file  joinMeasure.cpp
file  jump.cpp
file  jump.h [code]
file  key.cpp
file  key.h [code]
file  keyfinder.cpp
file  keyfinder.h [code]
file  keylist.cpp
file  keylist.h [code]
file  keysig.cpp
file  keysig.h [code]
file  lasso.cpp
file  lasso.h [code]
file  layout.cpp
file  layout.h [code]
file  layoutbreak.cpp
file  layoutbreak.h [code]
file  layoutlinear.cpp
file  ledgerline.cpp
file  ledgerline.h [code]
file  letring.cpp
file  letring.h [code]
file  line.cpp
file  line.h [code]
file  location.cpp
file  location.h [code]
file  lyrics.cpp
file  lyrics.h [code]
file  lyricsline.cpp
file  marker.cpp
file  marker.h [code]
file  mcursor.cpp
file  mcursor.h [code]
file  measure.cpp
 Implementation of most part of class Measure.
file  measure.h [code]
 Definition of class Measure.
file  measurebase.cpp
file  measurebase.h [code]
 Definition of MeasureBase class.
file  measurenumber.cpp
file  measurenumber.h [code]
file  midimapping.cpp
file  mscore.cpp
file  mscore.h [code]
file  mscoreview.cpp
file  mscoreview.h [code]
file  musescoreCore.h [code]
file  navigate.cpp
file  navigate.h [code]
file  note.cpp
 Implementation of classes Note and ShadowNote.
file  note.h [code]
 Definition of classes Note and NoteHead.
file  notedot.cpp
file  notedot.h [code]
file  noteentry.cpp
file  noteevent.cpp
file  noteevent.h [code]
file  noteline.cpp
file  noteline.h [code]
file  notifier.hpp [code]
file  ossia.cpp
file  ossia.h [code]
file  ottava.cpp
file  ottava.h [code]
file  page.cpp
file  page.h [code]
file  palmmute.cpp
file  palmmute.h [code]
file  part.cpp
file  part.h [code]
file  paste.cpp
file  pedal.cpp
file  pedal.h [code]
file  pitch.cpp
file  pitch.h [code]
file  pitchspelling.cpp
file  pitchspelling.h [code]
file  pitchvalue.h [code]
file  pos.cpp
file  pos.h [code]
file  property.cpp
file  property.h [code]
file  range.cpp
file  range.h [code]
file  read114.cpp
file  read206.cpp
file  read206.h [code]
file  read301.cpp
file  rehearsalmark.cpp
file  rehearsalmark.h [code]
file  rendermidi.cpp
 render score into event list
file  rendermidi.h [code]
file  repeat.cpp
file  repeat.h [code]
file  repeatlist.cpp
file  repeatlist.h [code]
file  rest.cpp
file  rest.h [code]
file  revisions.cpp
file  revisions.h [code]
file  score.cpp
 Implementation of class Score (partial).
file  score.h [code]
 Definition of Score class.
file  scorediff.cpp
file  scorediff.h [code]
file  scoreElement.cpp
file  scoreElement.h [code]
file  scorefile.cpp
file  segment.cpp
file  segment.h [code]
file  segmentlist.cpp
file  segmentlist.h [code]
file  select.cpp
 Implementation of class Selection plus other selection related functions.
file  select.h [code]
file  sequencer.h [code]
file  shadownote.cpp
file  shadownote.h [code]
file  shape.cpp
file  shape.h [code]
file  sig.cpp
file  sig.h [code]
file  skyline.cpp
file  skyline.h [code]
file  slur.cpp
file  slur.h [code]
file  slurtie.cpp
file  slurtie.h [code]
file  spacer.cpp
file  spacer.h [code]
file  spanner.cpp
file  spanner.h [code]
file  spannermap.cpp
file  spannermap.h [code]
file  spatium.h [code]
file  splitMeasure.cpp
file  staff.cpp
file  staff.h [code]
 Definition of class Staff.
file  stafflines.cpp
file  stafflines.h [code]
file  staffstate.cpp
file  staffstate.h [code]
file  stafftext.cpp
file  stafftext.h [code]
file  stafftextbase.cpp
file  stafftextbase.h [code]
file  stafftype.cpp
file  stafftype.h [code]
file  stafftypechange.cpp
file  stafftypechange.h [code]
file  stafftypelist.cpp
file  stafftypelist.h [code]
file  stem.cpp
file  stem.h [code]
file  stemslash.cpp
file  stemslash.h [code]
file  sticking.cpp
file  sticking.h [code]
file  stringdata.cpp
file  stringdata.h [code]
file  style.cpp
file  style.h [code]
file  sym.cpp
file  sym.h [code]
file  symbol.cpp
file  symbol.h [code]
file  synthesizerstate.cpp
file  synthesizerstate.h [code]
file  system.cpp
 Implementation of classes SysStaff and System.
file  system.h [code]
 Definition of classes SysStaff and System.
file  systemdivider.cpp
file  systemdivider.h [code]
file  systemtext.cpp
file  systemtext.h [code]
file  tempo.cpp
file  tempo.h [code]
file  tempotext.cpp
file  tempotext.h [code]
file  text.cpp
file  text.h [code]
file  textbase.cpp
file  textbase.h [code]
file  textedit.cpp
file  textedit.h [code]
file  textframe.cpp
file  textframe.h [code]
file  textline.cpp
file  textline.h [code]
file  textlinebase.cpp
file  textlinebase.h [code]
file  tie.cpp
file  tie.h [code]
file  tiemap.h [code]
file  timesig.cpp
file  timesig.h [code]
file  transpose.cpp
file  tremolo.cpp
file  tremolo.h [code]
file  tremolobar.cpp
file  tremolobar.h [code]
file  trill.cpp
file  trill.h [code]
file  tuplet.cpp
file  tuplet.h [code]
file  tupletmap.h [code]
file  types.h [code]
file  undo.cpp
 Implementation of undo functions.
file  undo.h [code]
 Definition of undo-releated classes and structs.
file  unrollrepeats.cpp
file  utils.cpp
file  utils.h [code]
file  velo.cpp
 Implementation of class VeloList.
file  velo.h [code]
 Definition of classes VeloList.
file  vibrato.cpp
file  vibrato.h [code]
file  volta.cpp
file  volta.h [code]
file  xml.h [code]
file  xmlreader.cpp
file  xmlwriter.cpp