MuseScore  3.4
Music composition and notation
Namespaces | Functions | Variables
utils.cpp File Reference
#include "config.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "page.h"
#include "segment.h"
#include "clef.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "measure.h"
#include "pitchspelling.h"
#include "chordrest.h"
#include "part.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "note.h"
#include "chord.h"
#include "key.h"
#include "sig.h"
#include "tuplet.h"
#include "sym.h"
Include dependency graph for utils.cpp:




QRectF Ms::handleRect (const QPointF &pos)
int Ms::getStaff (System *system, const QPointF &p)
Segment * Ms::nextSeg1 (Segment *seg, int &track)
Segment * Ms::prevSeg1 (Segment *seg, int &track)
Note * Ms::nextChordNote (Note *note)
Note * Ms::prevChordNote (Note *note)
int Ms::pitchKeyAdjust (int step, Key key)
int Ms::y2pitch (qreal y, ClefType clef, qreal _spatium)
int Ms::line2pitch (int line, ClefType clef, Key key)
int Ms::quantizeLen (int len, int raster)
QString Ms::pitch2string (int v)
int Ms::chromatic2diatonic (int semitones)
int Ms::searchInterval (int steps, int semitones)
int Ms::majorVersion ()
int Ms::minorVersion ()
int Ms::updateVersion ()
bool Ms::compareVersion (QString v1, QString v2)
 Up to 4 digits X.X.X.X Each digit can be double XX.XX.XX.XX return true if v1 < v2. More...
int Ms::diatonicUpDown (Key k, int pitch, int steps)
Note * Ms::searchTieNote (Note *note)
Note * Ms::searchTieNote114 (Note *note)
int Ms::absStep (int tpc, int pitch)
 Compute absolute step. More...
int Ms::absStep (int pitch)
int Ms::absStep (int line, ClefType clef)
int Ms::relStep (int line, ClefType clef)
 Compute relative step from absolute step which depends on actual clef. More...
int Ms::relStep (int pitch, int tpc, ClefType clef)
int Ms::pitch2step (int pitch)
int Ms::step2pitch (int step)
Segment * Ms::skipTuplet (Tuplet *tuplet)
std::vector< SymId > Ms::toTimeSigString (const QString &s)
Fraction Ms::actualTicks (Fraction duration, Tuplet *tuplet, Fraction timeStretch)


Interval Ms::intervalList [intervalListSize]