MuseScore  3.4
Music composition and notation
Classes | Enumerations | Functions
Ms::PluginAPI Namespace Reference

Contains items exposed to the QML plugins framework. More...


class  Chord
class  Cursor
 Cursor can be used by plugins to manipulate the score. More...
class  Element
class  Enum
 Wrapper for enumerations. More...
class  Excerpt
class  FileIO
 Provides a simple API to perform file reading and writing operations. More...
class  FractionWrapper
 Fraction object available to QML plugins. More...
class  Measure
class  MsProcess
 Start an external program. Available in QML as QProcess. More...
class  Note
class  Part
class  PlayEvent
class  PluginAPI
 Main class of the plugins framework. Named as MuseScore in QML. More...
class  QmlExcerptsListAccess
class  QmlListAccess
 QML access to containers. More...
class  QmlPlayEventsListAccess
class  Score
class  ScoreElement
 Base class for most of object wrappers exposed to QML. More...
class  ScoreView
 This is an GUI element to show a score. More...
class  Segment
class  Selection
class  Tie
 Provides access to internal Ms::Tie objects. More...


enum  Ownership { Ownership::PLUGIN, Ownership::SCORE }


Elementwrap (Ms::Element *e, Ownership own)
 Wraps Ms::Element choosing the correct wrapper type at runtime based on the actual element type. More...
TietieWrap (Ms::Tie *tie)
ExcerptexcerptWrap (Ms::Excerpt *e)
template<typename T , class Container >
QmlExcerptsListAccess< T, Container > wrapExcerptsContainerProperty (QObject *obj, Container &c)
QmlPlayEventsListAccess wrapPlayEventsContainerProperty (QObject *obj, NoteEventList &c)
SelectionselectionWrap (Ms::Selection *select)
ScoreElementwrap (Ms::ScoreElement *se, Ownership own)
 Wraps Ms::ScoreElement choosing the correct wrapper type at runtime based on the actual element type. More...
template<typename T , class Container >
QmlListAccess< T, Container > wrapContainerProperty (QObject *obj, Container &c)

Detailed Description

Contains items exposed to the QML plugins framework.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Ownership

Represents ownership policy regarding the underlying libmscore objects.


Function Documentation

◆ excerptWrap()

Excerpt * Ms::PluginAPI::excerptWrap ( Ms::Excerpt e)

◆ selectionWrap()

Selection * Ms::PluginAPI::selectionWrap ( Ms::Selection select)

◆ tieWrap()

Tie * Ms::PluginAPI::tieWrap ( Ms::Tie tie)

◆ wrap() [1/2]

ScoreElement * Ms::PluginAPI::wrap ( Ms::ScoreElement se,
Ownership  own 

Wraps Ms::ScoreElement choosing the correct wrapper type at runtime based on the actual element type.

◆ wrap() [2/2]

Element * Ms::PluginAPI::wrap ( Ms::Element e,
Ownership  own 

Wraps Ms::Element choosing the correct wrapper type at runtime based on the actual element type.

◆ wrapContainerProperty()

template<typename T , class Container >
QmlListAccess<T, Container> Ms::PluginAPI::wrapContainerProperty ( QObject *  obj,
Container &  c 

◆ wrapExcerptsContainerProperty()

template<typename T , class Container >
QmlExcerptsListAccess<T, Container> Ms::PluginAPI::wrapExcerptsContainerProperty ( QObject *  obj,
Container &  c 

◆ wrapPlayEventsContainerProperty()

QmlPlayEventsListAccess Ms::PluginAPI::wrapPlayEventsContainerProperty ( QObject *  obj,
NoteEventList c 