MuseScore  3.4
Music composition and notation
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
Ms::Segment Class Referencefinal

#include <segment.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ms::Segment:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Ms::Segment:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 Segment (Measure *m=0)
 Segment (Measure *, SegmentType, const Fraction &)
 Segment (const Segment &)
 ~Segment ()
virtual Segmentclone () const
virtual ElementType type () const
virtual void setScore (Score *) override
Segmentnext () const
Segmentnext (SegmentType) const
SegmentnextActive () const
SegmentnextEnabled () const
void setNext (Segment *e)
Segmentprev () const
Segmentprev (SegmentType) const
SegmentprevActive () const
SegmentprevEnabled () const
void setPrev (Segment *e)
Segmentnext1 () const
 return next Segment, don’t stop searching at end of Measure More...
Segmentnext1enabled () const
Segmentnext1MM () const
Segmentnext1MMenabled () const
Segmentnext1 (SegmentType) const
Segmentnext1MM (SegmentType) const
Segmentprev1 () const
 return previous Segment, don’t stop searching at Measure begin More...
Segmentprev1enabled () const
Segmentprev1MM () const
Segmentprev1MMenabled () const
Segmentprev1 (SegmentType) const
Segmentprev1MM (SegmentType) const
SegmentnextCR (int track=-1, bool sameStaff=false) const
ChordRestnextChordRest (int track, bool backwards=false) const
Elementelement (int track) const
Ms::ElementelementAt (int track) const
const std::vector< Element * > & elist () const
std::vector< Element * > & elist ()
void removeElement (int track)
void setElement (int track, Element *el)
virtual void scanElements (void *data, void(*func)(void *, Element *), bool all=true)
Measuremeasure () const
Systemsystem () const
qreal x () const
void setX (qreal v)
void insertStaff (int staff)
void removeStaff (int staff)
virtual void add (Element *)
virtual void remove (Element *)
void swapElements (int i1, int i2)
void sortStaves (QList< int > &dst)
const char * subTypeName () const
SegmentType segmentType () const
void setSegmentType (SegmentType t)
bool empty () const
bool written () const
void setWritten (bool val) const
void fixStaffIdx ()
qreal stretch () const
void setStretch (qreal v)
virtual Fraction rtick () const override
void setRtick (const Fraction &v)
virtual Fraction tick () const override
Fraction ticks () const
void setTicks (const Fraction &v)
bool splitsTuplet () const
const std::vector< Element * > & annotations () const
void clearAnnotations ()
void removeAnnotation (Element *e)
bool hasAnnotationOrElement (ElementType type, int minTrack, int maxTrack) const
 return true if an annotation of type type or and element is found in the track range More...
ElementfindAnnotation (ElementType type, int minTrack, int maxTrack)
 Returns the first found annotation of type type or nullptr if nothing was found. More...
std::vector< Element * > findAnnotations (ElementType type, int minTrack, int maxTrack)
 Returns the list of found annotations or nullptr if nothing was found. More...
bool hasElements () const
 Returns true if the segment has at least one element. More...
qreal dotPosX (int staffIdx) const
void setDotPosX (int staffIdx, qreal val)
Spatium extraLeadingSpace () const
void setExtraLeadingSpace (Spatium v)
virtual void write (XmlWriter &) const
virtual void read (XmlReader &)
virtual QVariant getProperty (Pid propertyId) const
virtual bool setProperty (Pid propertyId, const QVariant &)
virtual QVariant propertyDefault (Pid) const
bool operator< (const Segment &) const
 return true if segment is before s in list More...
bool operator> (const Segment &) const
 return true if segment is after s in list More...
virtual QString accessibleExtraInfo () const override
ElementfirstInNextSegments (int activeStaff)
ElementlastInPrevSegments (int activeStaff)
ElementfirstElement (int staff)
ElementlastElement (int staff)
ElementfirstElementOfSegment (Segment *s, int activeStaff)
ElementnextElementOfSegment (Segment *s, Element *e, int activeStaff)
ElementprevElementOfSegment (Segment *s, Element *e, int activeStaff)
ElementlastElementOfSegment (Segment *s, int activeStaff)
ElementnextAnnotation (Element *e)
ElementprevAnnotation (Element *e)
ElementfirstAnnotation (Segment *s, int activeStaff)
ElementlastAnnotation (Segment *s, int activeStaff)
SpannerfirstSpanner (int activeStaff)
SpannerlastSpanner (int activeStaff)
bool notChordRestType (Segment *s)
ElementnextElement (int activeStaff)
ElementprevElement (int activeStaff)
std::vector< Shapeshapes ()
const std::vector< Shape > & shapes () const
const ShapestaffShape (int staffIdx) const
ShapestaffShape (int staffIdx)
void createShapes ()
void createShape (int staffIdx)
qreal minRight () const
qreal minLeft (const Shape &) const
qreal minLeft () const
qreal minHorizontalDistance (Segment *, bool isSystemGap) const
qreal minHorizontalCollidingDistance (Segment *ns) const
ChordRestcr (int track) const
bool isType (const SegmentType t) const
bool isBeginBarLineType () const
bool isClefType () const
bool isHeaderClefType () const
bool isKeySigType () const
bool isAmbitusType () const
bool isTimeSigType () const
bool isStartRepeatBarLineType () const
bool isBarLineType () const
bool isBreathType () const
bool isChordRestType () const
bool isEndBarLineType () const
bool isKeySigAnnounceType () const
bool isTimeSigAnnounceType () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ms::Element
 Element (Score *=0, ElementFlags=ElementFlag::NOTHING)
 Element (const Element &)
virtual ~Element ()
Elementoperator= (const Element &)=delete
virtual ElementlinkedClone ()
Elementparent () const
void setParent (Element *e)
MeasurefindMeasure ()
const MeasurefindMeasure () const
MeasureBasefindMeasureBase ()
const MeasureBasefindMeasureBase () const
virtual bool isElement () const override
qreal spatium () const
void setFlag (ElementFlag f, bool v)
void setFlag (ElementFlag f, bool v) const
bool flag (ElementFlag f) const
bool selected () const
virtual void setSelected (bool f)
bool visible () const
virtual void setVisible (bool f)
virtual bool sizeIsSpatiumDependent () const override
void setSizeIsSpatiumDependent (bool v)
Placement placement () const
void setPlacement (Placement val)
bool placeAbove () const
bool placeBelow () const
bool generated () const
void setGenerated (bool val)
Spatium minDistance () const
void setMinDistance (Spatium v)
OffsetChange offsetChanged () const
void setOffsetChanged (bool v, bool absolute=true, const QPointF &diff=QPointF())
const QPointF & ipos () const
virtual const QPointF pos () const
virtual qreal y () const
void setPos (qreal x, qreal y)
void setPos (const QPointF &p)
QPointF & rpos ()
qreal & rxpos ()
qreal & rypos ()
virtual void move (const QPointF &s)
virtual QPointF pagePos () const
 position in page coordinates More...
virtual QPointF canvasPos () const
 position in canvas coordinates More...
qreal pageX () const
qreal canvasX () const
const QPointF & offset () const
virtual void setOffset (const QPointF &o)
void setOffset (qreal x, qreal y)
QPointF & roffset ()
qreal & rxoffset ()
qreal & ryoffset ()
bool isNudged () const
virtual const QRectF & bbox () const
virtual QRectF & bbox ()
virtual qreal height () const
virtual void setHeight (qreal v)
virtual qreal width () const
virtual void setWidth (qreal v)
QRectF abbox () const
QRectF pageBoundingRect () const
QRectF canvasBoundingRect () const
virtual void setbbox (const QRectF &r) const
virtual void addbbox (const QRectF &r) const
bool contains (const QPointF &p) const
bool intersects (const QRectF &r) const
virtual Shape shape () const
virtual qreal baseLine () const
virtual int subtype () const
virtual void draw (QPainter *) const
void drawAt (QPainter *p, const QPointF &pt) const
virtual void writeProperties (XmlWriter &xml) const
virtual bool readProperties (XmlReader &)
virtual void startDrag (EditData &)
virtual QRectF drag (EditData &)
 Return update Rect relative to canvas. More...
virtual void endDrag (EditData &)
virtual QLineF dragAnchor () const
virtual bool isEditable () const
virtual void startEdit (EditData &)
virtual bool edit (EditData &)
virtual void startEditDrag (EditData &)
virtual void editDrag (EditData &)
virtual void endEditDrag (EditData &)
virtual void endEdit (EditData &)
virtual void editCut (EditData &)
virtual void editCopy (EditData &)
void updateGrips (EditData &) const
virtual bool nextGrip (EditData &) const
virtual bool prevGrip (EditData &) const
virtual QPointF gripAnchor (Grip) const
virtual EditBehavior normalModeEditBehavior () const
virtual int gripsCount () const
virtual Grip initialEditModeGrip () const
virtual Grip defaultGrip () const
virtual std::vector< QPointF > gripsPositions (const EditData &) const
int track () const
virtual void setTrack (int val)
int z () const
void setZ (int val)
int staffIdx () const
virtual int vStaffIdx () const
int voice () const
void setVoice (int v)
Staffstaff () const
StaffTypestaffType () const
Partpart () const
virtual void change (Element *o, Element *n)
virtual void layout ()
virtual void spatiumChanged (qreal, qreal)
virtual void localSpatiumChanged (qreal, qreal)
virtual void dump () const
virtual Q_INVOKABLE QString subtypeName () const
virtual Q_INVOKABLE QString _name () const
virtual QColor color () const
QColor curColor () const
QColor curColor (bool isVisible) const
QColor curColor (bool isVisible, QColor normalColor) const
virtual void setColor (const QColor &c)
void undoSetColor (const QColor &c)
void undoSetVisible (bool v)
virtual QByteArray mimeData (const QPointF &) const
virtual bool acceptDrop (EditData &) const
 Return true if this element accepts a drop at canvas relative pos of given element type and subtype. More...
virtual Elementdrop (EditData &)
 Handle a dropped element at canvas relative pos of given element type and subtype. More...
virtual bool mousePress (EditData &)
 delivers mouseEvent to element in edit mode returns true if mouse event is accepted by element More...
virtual void reset () override
virtual qreal mag () const
void setMag (qreal val)
qreal magS () const
bool isPrintable () const
qreal point (const Spatium sp) const
bool systemFlag () const
void setSystemFlag (bool v) const
bool header () const
void setHeader (bool v)
bool trailer () const
void setTrailer (bool val)
bool selectable () const
void setSelectable (bool val)
bool dropTarget () const
void setDropTarget (bool v) const
bool composition () const
void setComposition (bool v) const
virtual bool isMovable () const
bool enabled () const
void setEnabled (bool val)
uint tag () const
void setTag (uint val)
bool autoplace () const
virtual void setAutoplace (bool v)
bool addToSkyline () const
virtual void undoChangeProperty (Pid id, const QVariant &, PropertyFlags ps) override
virtual Pid propertyId (const QStringRef &xmlName) const override
virtual QString propertyUserValue (Pid) const override
virtual ElementpropertyDelegate (Pid)
bool custom (Pid) const
virtual bool isUserModified () const
void drawSymbol (SymId id, QPainter *p, const QPointF &o=QPointF(), qreal scale=1.0) const
void drawSymbol (SymId id, QPainter *p, const QPointF &o, int n) const
void drawSymbols (const std::vector< SymId > &, QPainter *p, const QPointF &o=QPointF(), qreal scale=1.0) const
void drawSymbols (const std::vector< SymId > &, QPainter *p, const QPointF &o, const QSizeF &scale) const
qreal symHeight (SymId id) const
qreal symWidth (SymId id) const
qreal symWidth (const std::vector< SymId > &) const
QRectF symBbox (SymId id) const
QRectF symBbox (const std::vector< SymId > &) const
QPointF symStemDownNW (SymId id) const
QPointF symStemUpSE (SymId id) const
QPointF symCutOutNE (SymId id) const
QPointF symCutOutNW (SymId id) const
QPointF symCutOutSE (SymId id) const
QPointF symCutOutSW (SymId id) const
qreal symAdvance (SymId id) const
bool symIsValid (SymId id) const
bool concertPitch () const
virtual ElementnextElement ()
virtual ElementprevElement ()
virtual ElementnextSegmentElement ()
virtual ElementprevSegmentElement ()
virtual QString accessibleInfo () const
virtual QString screenReaderInfo () const
virtual void triggerLayout () const
virtual void triggerLayoutAll () const
virtual void drawEditMode (QPainter *, EditData &)
void autoplaceSegmentElement (bool above, bool add)
void autoplaceMeasureElement (bool above, bool add)
void autoplaceSegmentElement (bool add=true)
void autoplaceMeasureElement (bool add=true)
void autoplaceCalculateOffset (QRectF &r, qreal minDistance)
qreal rebaseOffset (bool nox=true)
bool rebaseMinDistance (qreal &md, qreal &yd, qreal sp, qreal rebase, bool above, bool fix)
qreal styleP (Sid idx) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ms::ScoreElement
 ScoreElement (Score *s)
 ScoreElement (const ScoreElement &se)
virtual ~ScoreElement ()
Scorescore () const
MasterScoremasterScore () const
const char * name () const
virtual QString userName () const
virtual void resetProperty (Pid id)
QVariant propertyDefault (Pid pid, Tid tid) const
virtual void initElementStyle (const ElementStyle *)
virtual const ElementStylestyledProperties () const
virtual PropertyFlagspropertyFlagsList () const
virtual PropertyFlags propertyFlags (Pid) const
bool isStyled (Pid pid) const
QVariant styleValue (Pid, Sid) const
void setPropertyFlags (Pid, PropertyFlags)
virtual Sid getPropertyStyle (Pid) const
bool readProperty (const QStringRef &, XmlReader &, Pid)
void readProperty (XmlReader &, Pid)
bool readStyledProperty (XmlReader &e, const QStringRef &tag)
virtual void readAddConnector (ConnectorInfoReader *info, bool pasteMode)
virtual void styleChanged ()
void undoChangeProperty (Pid id, const QVariant &)
void undoResetProperty (Pid id)
void undoPushProperty (Pid)
void writeProperty (XmlWriter &xml, Pid id) const
void writeStyledProperties (XmlWriter &) const
QList< ScoreElement * > linkList () const
void linkTo (ScoreElement *)
void unlink ()
bool isLinked (ScoreElement *)
 return true if se is different and linked to this element More...
virtual void undoUnlink ()
int lid () const
LinkedElementslinks () const
void setLinks (LinkedElements *le)
bool isNote () const
bool isRest () const
bool isChord () const
bool isBarLine () const
bool isArticulation () const
bool isFermata () const
bool isMarker () const
bool isClef () const
bool isKeySig () const
bool isTimeSig () const
bool isMeasure () const
bool isTempoText () const
bool isBreath () const
bool isHBox () const
bool isVBox () const
bool isTBox () const
bool isFBox () const
bool isTie () const
bool isSlur () const
bool isGlissando () const
bool isGlissandoSegment () const
bool isSystemDivider () const
bool isRehearsalMark () const
bool isHarmony () const
bool isVolta () const
bool isJump () const
bool isOttava () const
bool isLayoutBreak () const
bool isSegment () const
bool isTremolo () const
bool isSystem () const
bool isLyrics () const
bool isStem () const
bool isBeam () const
bool isHook () const
bool isStemSlash () const
bool isSlurSegment () const
bool isTieSegment () const
bool isSpacer () const
bool isStaffLines () const
bool isAmbitus () const
bool isBracket () const
bool isInstrumentChange () const
bool isStaffTypeChange () const
bool isHairpin () const
bool isHairpinSegment () const
bool isBend () const
bool isTremoloBar () const
bool isRepeatMeasure () const
bool isTuplet () const
bool isNoteDot () const
bool isDynamic () const
bool isInstrumentName () const
bool isAccidental () const
bool isTextLine () const
bool isTextLineSegment () const
bool isPedal () const
bool isPedalSegment () const
bool isOttavaSegment () const
bool isLedgerLine () const
bool isIcon () const
bool isVoltaSegment () const
bool isNoteLine () const
bool isTrill () const
bool isTrillSegment () const
bool isLetRing () const
bool isLetRingSegment () const
bool isVibrato () const
bool isPalmMute () const
bool isPalmMuteSegment () const
bool isVibratoSegment () const
bool isSymbol () const
bool isFSymbol () const
bool isFingering () const
bool isNoteHead () const
bool isLyricsLine () const
bool isLyricsLineSegment () const
bool isFiguredBass () const
bool isStaffState () const
bool isArpeggio () const
bool isImage () const
bool isChordLine () const
bool isFretDiagram () const
bool isPage () const
bool isText () const
bool isMeasureNumber () const
bool isStaffText () const
bool isSystemText () const
bool isBracketItem () const
bool isScore () const
bool isStaff () const
bool isPart () const
bool isBagpipeEmbellishment () const
bool isLasso () const
bool isSticking () const
bool isChordRest () const
bool isDurationElement () const
bool isSlurTieSegment () const
bool isSLineSegment () const
bool isBox () const
bool isVBoxBase () const
bool isMeasureBase () const
bool isTextBase () const
bool isTextLineBaseSegment () const
bool isLineSegment () const
bool isSpannerSegment () const
bool isBSymbol () const
bool isTextLineBase () const
bool isSLine () const
bool isSpanner () const
bool isStaffTextBase () const

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * subTypeName (SegmentType)
static SegmentType segmentType (ElementType type)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ms::Element
static ElementType readType (XmlReader &node, QPointF *, Fraction *)
static ElementreadMimeData (Score *score, const QByteArray &data, QPointF *, Fraction *)
static Ms::Elementcreate (Ms::ElementType type, Score *)
static Elementname2Element (const QStringRef &, Score *)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ms::ScoreElement
static ElementType name2type (const QStringRef &, bool silent=false)
static ElementType name2type (const QString &s)
static const char * name (ElementType)

Protected Member Functions

ElementgetElement (int staff)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ms::ScoreElement
virtual int getPropertyFlagsIdx (Pid id) const

Private Member Functions

void init ()
void checkEmpty () const
void checkElement (Element *, int track)
void setEmpty (bool val) const

Private Attributes

SegmentType _segmentType { SegmentType::Invalid }
Fraction _tick
Fraction _ticks
Spatium _extraLeadingSpace
qreal _stretch
Segment_next = nullptr
Segment_prev = nullptr
std::vector< Element * > _annotations
std::vector< Element * > _elist
std::vector< Shape_shapes
std::vector< qreal > _dotPosX

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Ms::Element
enum  EditBehavior { EditBehavior::SelectOnly, EditBehavior::Edit }
- Public Attributes inherited from Ms::Element
bool itemDiscovered { false }
 helper flag for bsp More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Ms::Element
int _z
QColor _color
 element color attribute More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Ms::ScoreElement
const ElementStyle_elementStyle { &emptyStyle }
PropertyFlags_propertyFlagsList { 0 }
LinkedElements_links { 0 }

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Segment() [1/3]

Ms::Segment::Segment ( Measure m = 0)

◆ Segment() [2/3]

Ms::Segment::Segment ( Measure m,
SegmentType  st,
const Fraction t 

◆ Segment() [3/3]

Ms::Segment::Segment ( const Segment s)

◆ ~Segment()

Ms::Segment::~Segment ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ accessibleExtraInfo()

QString Ms::Segment::accessibleExtraInfo ( ) const

Reimplemented from Ms::Element.

◆ add()

void Ms::Segment::add ( Element el)

Reimplemented from Ms::Element.

◆ annotations()

const std::vector<Element*>& Ms::Segment::annotations ( ) const

◆ checkElement()

void Ms::Segment::checkElement ( Element el,
int  track 

◆ checkEmpty()

void Ms::Segment::checkEmpty ( ) const

◆ clearAnnotations()

void Ms::Segment::clearAnnotations ( )

◆ clone()

virtual Segment* Ms::Segment::clone ( ) const

Implements Ms::Element.

◆ cr()

ChordRest* Ms::Segment::cr ( int  track) const

◆ createShape()

void Ms::Segment::createShape ( int  staffIdx)

◆ createShapes()

void Ms::Segment::createShapes ( )

◆ dotPosX()

qreal Ms::Segment::dotPosX ( int  staffIdx) const

◆ element()

Element* Ms::Segment::element ( int  track) const

◆ elementAt()

Ms::Element * Ms::Segment::elementAt ( int  track) const

◆ elist() [1/2]

const std::vector<Element*>& Ms::Segment::elist ( ) const

◆ elist() [2/2]

std::vector<Element*>& Ms::Segment::elist ( )

◆ empty()

bool Ms::Segment::empty ( ) const

◆ extraLeadingSpace()

Spatium Ms::Segment::extraLeadingSpace ( ) const

◆ findAnnotation()

Element * Ms::Segment::findAnnotation ( ElementType  type,
int  minTrack,
int  maxTrack 

Returns the first found annotation of type type or nullptr if nothing was found.

◆ findAnnotations()

std::vector< Element * > Ms::Segment::findAnnotations ( ElementType  type,
int  minTrack,
int  maxTrack 

Returns the list of found annotations or nullptr if nothing was found.

◆ firstAnnotation()

Element * Ms::Segment::firstAnnotation ( Segment s,
int  activeStaff 

◆ firstElement()

Element * Ms::Segment::firstElement ( int  staff)

◆ firstElementOfSegment()

Element * Ms::Segment::firstElementOfSegment ( Segment s,
int  activeStaff 

◆ firstInNextSegments()

Element * Ms::Segment::firstInNextSegments ( int  activeStaff)

◆ firstSpanner()

Spanner * Ms::Segment::firstSpanner ( int  activeStaff)

◆ fixStaffIdx()

void Ms::Segment::fixStaffIdx ( )

◆ getElement()

Element * Ms::Segment::getElement ( int  staff)

◆ getProperty()

QVariant Ms::Segment::getProperty ( Pid  propertyId) const

Reimplemented from Ms::Element.

◆ hasAnnotationOrElement()

bool Ms::Segment::hasAnnotationOrElement ( ElementType  type,
int  minTrack,
int  maxTrack 
) const

return true if an annotation of type type or and element is found in the track range

◆ hasElements()

bool Ms::Segment::hasElements ( ) const

Returns true if the segment has at least one element.

Annotations are not considered.

◆ init()

void Ms::Segment::init ( )

◆ insertStaff()

void Ms::Segment::insertStaff ( int  staff)

◆ isAmbitusType()

bool Ms::Segment::isAmbitusType ( ) const

◆ isBarLineType()

bool Ms::Segment::isBarLineType ( ) const

◆ isBeginBarLineType()

bool Ms::Segment::isBeginBarLineType ( ) const

◆ isBreathType()

bool Ms::Segment::isBreathType ( ) const

◆ isChordRestType()

bool Ms::Segment::isChordRestType ( ) const

◆ isClefType()

bool Ms::Segment::isClefType ( ) const

◆ isEndBarLineType()

bool Ms::Segment::isEndBarLineType ( ) const

◆ isHeaderClefType()

bool Ms::Segment::isHeaderClefType ( ) const

◆ isKeySigAnnounceType()

bool Ms::Segment::isKeySigAnnounceType ( ) const

◆ isKeySigType()

bool Ms::Segment::isKeySigType ( ) const

◆ isStartRepeatBarLineType()

bool Ms::Segment::isStartRepeatBarLineType ( ) const

◆ isTimeSigAnnounceType()

bool Ms::Segment::isTimeSigAnnounceType ( ) const

◆ isTimeSigType()

bool Ms::Segment::isTimeSigType ( ) const

◆ isType()

bool Ms::Segment::isType ( const SegmentType  t) const

◆ lastAnnotation()

Element * Ms::Segment::lastAnnotation ( Segment s,
int  activeStaff 

◆ lastElement()

Element * Ms::Segment::lastElement ( int  staff)

◆ lastElementOfSegment()

Element * Ms::Segment::lastElementOfSegment ( Segment s,
int  activeStaff 

◆ lastInPrevSegments()

Element * Ms::Segment::lastInPrevSegments ( int  activeStaff)

◆ lastSpanner()

Spanner * Ms::Segment::lastSpanner ( int  activeStaff)

◆ measure()

Measure* Ms::Segment::measure ( ) const

◆ minHorizontalCollidingDistance()

qreal Ms::Segment::minHorizontalCollidingDistance ( Segment ns) const

◆ minHorizontalDistance()

qreal Ms::Segment::minHorizontalDistance ( Segment ns,
bool  isSystemGap 
) const

◆ minLeft() [1/2]

qreal Ms::Segment::minLeft ( const Shape sl) const

◆ minLeft() [2/2]

qreal Ms::Segment::minLeft ( ) const

◆ minRight()

qreal Ms::Segment::minRight ( ) const

◆ next() [1/2]

Segment* Ms::Segment::next ( ) const

◆ next() [2/2]

Segment * Ms::Segment::next ( SegmentType  types) const

◆ next1() [1/2]

Segment * Ms::Segment::next1 ( ) const

return next Segment, don’t stop searching at end of Measure

◆ next1() [2/2]

Segment * Ms::Segment::next1 ( SegmentType  types) const

◆ next1enabled()

Segment * Ms::Segment::next1enabled ( ) const

◆ next1MM() [1/2]

Segment * Ms::Segment::next1MM ( ) const

◆ next1MM() [2/2]

Segment * Ms::Segment::next1MM ( SegmentType  types) const

◆ next1MMenabled()

Segment * Ms::Segment::next1MMenabled ( ) const

◆ nextActive()

Segment * Ms::Segment::nextActive ( ) const

◆ nextAnnotation()

Element * Ms::Segment::nextAnnotation ( Element e)

◆ nextChordRest()

ChordRest * Ms::Segment::nextChordRest ( int  track,
bool  backwards = false 
) const

◆ nextCR()

Segment * Ms::Segment::nextCR ( int  track = -1,
bool  sameStaff = false 
) const

◆ nextElement()

Element * Ms::Segment::nextElement ( int  activeStaff)

◆ nextElementOfSegment()

Element * Ms::Segment::nextElementOfSegment ( Segment s,
Element e,
int  activeStaff 

◆ nextEnabled()

Segment * Ms::Segment::nextEnabled ( ) const

◆ notChordRestType()

bool Ms::Segment::notChordRestType ( Segment s)

◆ operator<()

bool Ms::Segment::operator< ( const Segment s) const

return true if segment is before s in list

◆ operator>()

bool Ms::Segment::operator> ( const Segment s) const

return true if segment is after s in list

◆ prev() [1/2]

Segment* Ms::Segment::prev ( ) const

◆ prev() [2/2]

Segment * Ms::Segment::prev ( SegmentType  types) const

◆ prev1() [1/2]

Segment * Ms::Segment::prev1 ( ) const

return previous Segment, don’t stop searching at Measure begin

◆ prev1() [2/2]

Segment * Ms::Segment::prev1 ( SegmentType  types) const

◆ prev1enabled()

Segment * Ms::Segment::prev1enabled ( ) const

◆ prev1MM() [1/2]

Segment * Ms::Segment::prev1MM ( ) const

◆ prev1MM() [2/2]

Segment * Ms::Segment::prev1MM ( SegmentType  types) const

◆ prev1MMenabled()

Segment * Ms::Segment::prev1MMenabled ( ) const

◆ prevActive()

Segment * Ms::Segment::prevActive ( ) const

◆ prevAnnotation()

Element * Ms::Segment::prevAnnotation ( Element e)

◆ prevElement()

Element * Ms::Segment::prevElement ( int  activeStaff)

◆ prevElementOfSegment()

Element * Ms::Segment::prevElementOfSegment ( Segment s,
Element e,
int  activeStaff 

◆ prevEnabled()

Segment * Ms::Segment::prevEnabled ( ) const

◆ propertyDefault()

QVariant Ms::Segment::propertyDefault ( Pid  propertyId) const

Reimplemented from Ms::Element.

◆ read()

void Ms::Segment::read ( XmlReader e)

Reimplemented from Ms::Element.

◆ remove()

void Ms::Segment::remove ( Element el)

Reimplemented from Ms::Element.

◆ removeAnnotation()

void Ms::Segment::removeAnnotation ( Element e)

◆ removeElement()

void Ms::Segment::removeElement ( int  track)

◆ removeStaff()

void Ms::Segment::removeStaff ( int  staff)

◆ rtick()

virtual Fraction Ms::Segment::rtick ( ) const

Reimplemented from Ms::Element.

◆ scanElements()

void Ms::Segment::scanElements ( void *  data,
void(*)(void *, Element *)  func,
bool  all = true 

Reimplemented from Ms::Element.

◆ segmentType() [1/2]

SegmentType Ms::Segment::segmentType ( ElementType  type)

◆ segmentType() [2/2]

SegmentType Ms::Segment::segmentType ( ) const

◆ setDotPosX()

void Ms::Segment::setDotPosX ( int  staffIdx,
qreal  val 

◆ setElement()

void Ms::Segment::setElement ( int  track,
Element el 

◆ setEmpty()

void Ms::Segment::setEmpty ( bool  val) const

◆ setExtraLeadingSpace()

void Ms::Segment::setExtraLeadingSpace ( Spatium  v)

◆ setNext()

void Ms::Segment::setNext ( Segment e)

◆ setPrev()

void Ms::Segment::setPrev ( Segment e)

◆ setProperty()

bool Ms::Segment::setProperty ( Pid  propertyId,
const QVariant &  v 

Reimplemented from Ms::Element.

◆ setRtick()

void Ms::Segment::setRtick ( const Fraction v)

◆ setScore()

void Ms::Segment::setScore ( Score score)

Reimplemented from Ms::ScoreElement.

◆ setSegmentType()

void Ms::Segment::setSegmentType ( SegmentType  t)

◆ setStretch()

void Ms::Segment::setStretch ( qreal  v)

◆ setTicks()

void Ms::Segment::setTicks ( const Fraction v)

◆ setWritten()

void Ms::Segment::setWritten ( bool  val) const

◆ setX()

void Ms::Segment::setX ( qreal  v)

◆ shapes() [1/2]

std::vector<Shape> Ms::Segment::shapes ( )

◆ shapes() [2/2]

const std::vector<Shape>& Ms::Segment::shapes ( ) const

◆ sortStaves()

void Ms::Segment::sortStaves ( QList< int > &  dst)

◆ splitsTuplet()

bool Ms::Segment::splitsTuplet ( ) const

◆ staffShape() [1/2]

const Shape& Ms::Segment::staffShape ( int  staffIdx) const

◆ staffShape() [2/2]

Shape& Ms::Segment::staffShape ( int  staffIdx)

◆ stretch()

qreal Ms::Segment::stretch ( ) const

◆ subTypeName() [1/2]

const char * Ms::Segment::subTypeName ( ) const

◆ subTypeName() [2/2]

const char * Ms::Segment::subTypeName ( SegmentType  t)

◆ swapElements()

void Ms::Segment::swapElements ( int  i1,
int  i2 

◆ system()

System* Ms::Segment::system ( ) const

◆ tick()

Fraction Ms::Segment::tick ( ) const

Reimplemented from Ms::Element.

◆ ticks()

Fraction Ms::Segment::ticks ( ) const

◆ type()

virtual ElementType Ms::Segment::type ( ) const

Implements Ms::ScoreElement.

◆ write()

void Ms::Segment::write ( XmlWriter xml) const

Reimplemented from Ms::Element.

◆ written()

bool Ms::Segment::written ( ) const

◆ x()

qreal Ms::Segment::x ( ) const

Reimplemented from Ms::Element.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _annotations

std::vector<Element*> Ms::Segment::_annotations

◆ _dotPosX

std::vector<qreal> Ms::Segment::_dotPosX

◆ _elist

std::vector<Element*> Ms::Segment::_elist

◆ _extraLeadingSpace

Spatium Ms::Segment::_extraLeadingSpace

◆ _next

Segment* Ms::Segment::_next = nullptr

◆ _prev

Segment* Ms::Segment::_prev = nullptr

◆ _segmentType

SegmentType Ms::Segment::_segmentType { SegmentType::Invalid }

◆ _shapes

std::vector<Shape> Ms::Segment::_shapes

◆ _stretch

qreal Ms::Segment::_stretch

◆ _tick

Fraction Ms::Segment::_tick

◆ _ticks

Fraction Ms::Segment::_ticks

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: