MuseScore Plugins  3.5
Plugins API for MuseScore
LayoutBreak Member List

This is the complete list of members for LayoutBreak, including all inherited members.

acceptDrop(EditData &) const override (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreak
clone() const override (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreakinline
drop(EditData &) override (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreak
getProperty(Pid propertyId) const override (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreak
isLineBreak() const (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreakinline
isNoBreak() const (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreakinline
isPageBreak() const (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreakinline
isSectionBreak() const (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreakinline
LayoutBreak(Score *=0) (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreak
LayoutBreak(const LayoutBreak &) (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreak
layoutBreakType() const (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreakinline
LINE enum valueLayoutBreak
measure() const (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreakinline
NOBREAK enum valueLayoutBreak
PAGE enum valueLayoutBreak
pause() const (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreakinline
propertyDefault(Pid) const override (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreak
propertyId(const QStringRef &xmlName) const override (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreak
read(XmlReader &) override (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreak
SECTION enum valueLayoutBreak
setLayoutBreakType(Type) (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreak
setPause(qreal v) (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreakinline
setProperty(Pid propertyId, const QVariant &) override (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreak
setStartWithLongNames(bool v) (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreakinline
setStartWithMeasureOne(bool v) (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreakinline
startWithLongNames() const (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreakinline
startWithMeasureOne() const (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreakinline
Type enum nameLayoutBreak
type() const override (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreakinline
write(XmlWriter &) const override (defined in LayoutBreak)LayoutBreak