MuseScore  3.4
Music composition and notation
Ms::Shape Member List

This is the complete list of members for Ms::Shape, including all inherited members.

add(const Shape &s)Ms::Shapeinline
add(const QRectF &r, const char *t=0)Ms::Shape
addHorizontalSpacing(HorizontalSpacingType type, qreal left, qreal right)Ms::Shape
bottom() constMs::Shape
bottomDistance(const QPointF &) constMs::Shape
contains(const QPointF &) constMs::Shape
dump(const char *) constMs::Shape
empty() constMs::Shapeinline
HorizontalSpacingType enum nameMs::Shape
intersects(const QRectF &rr) constMs::Shape
intersects(const Shape &) constMs::Shape
left() constMs::Shape
minHorizontalDistance(const Shape &) constMs::Shape
minVerticalDistance(const Shape &) constMs::Shape
paint(QPainter &) constMs::Shape
remove(const QRectF &)Ms::Shape
remove(const Shape &)Ms::Shape
right() constMs::Shape
Shape(const QRectF &r, const char *s=0)Ms::Shapeinline
size() constMs::Shapeinline
SPACING_GENERAL enum valueMs::Shape
SPACING_HARMONY enum valueMs::Shape
SPACING_LYRICS enum valueMs::Shape
top() constMs::Shape
topDistance(const QPointF &) constMs::Shape
translate(const QPointF &)Ms::Shape
translated(const QPointF &) constMs::Shape