MuseScore  3.4
Music composition and notation
Ms::HChord Member List

This is the complete list of members for Ms::HChord, including all inherited members.

add(const QList< HDegree > &degreeList)Ms::HChord
contains(int key) constMs::HChordinline
getKeys() constMs::HChordinline
HChord(int k)Ms::HChordinline
HChord(int a, int b, int c=-1, int d=-1, int e=-1, int f=-1, int g=-1, int h=-1, int i=-1, int k=-1, int l=-1)Ms::HChord
HChord(const QString &)Ms::HChord
name(int tpc) constMs::HChord
operator!=(const HChord &o) constMs::HChordinline
operator+=(int key)Ms::HChordinline
operator-=(int key)Ms::HChordinline
operator==(const HChord &o) constMs::HChordinline
print() constMs::HChord
rotate(int semiTones)Ms::HChord
voicing() constMs::HChord